When placing an order please enter your contact information exactly as it is on your credit card and make sure the billing zip code is correct. Any mismatching information will result in an "error" and can put a hold on funds with your bank. Check out for Special Hours before purchasing.
Retail Store
Here are the four delicious Family Feast Box options to choose from, along with what’s included in each:
Choose one of the following
- Pizza & Wing Meal with Fries and a Pitcher of Soda: Includes (1) whole plain cheese pizza and (12) mild buffalo wings
- Nugget Meal with Fries and a Pitcher of Soda: Includes (50) Nuggets
This FunCard is loaded with 30 credits plus 5 free credits on us. Funcard will be valid on all arcade games which range from 2 to 6 credits. The value of this card cannot be put towards a wristband or food & beverage purchases or any Funplex event packages. Not to be combined with other specials, event, birthday or group packaging. Not Refundable.
This FunCard is loaded with 50 credits plus 20 free credits on us. Funcard will be valid on all arcade games which range from 2 to 6 credits. The value of this card cannot be put towards a wristband or food & beverage purchases or any Funplex event packages. Not to be combined with other specials, event, birthday or group packaging. Not Refundable.